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Issue 55 of SHAPE journal articles on the solar wind and magnetism

The Team

Jim Schofield - Author / Editor

Physicist, Philosopher, Marxist, Multimedia Expert, Mathematician, Author, Sculptor.

Dr. Peter Mothersole -
Advisor / Editor

Senior Lecturer in Computing, Physicist, Photographer, Constructivist, Software Developer, Philosopher.

Mick Schofield -
Art Director / Editor

Writer, Researcher, Photographer, Artist, Designer

Issue 55
The Solar Wind

How solar wind can break through
Earth’s magnetic field

A Muse upon The Solar Wind
The Earth’s Magnetic Field and
The Universal Substrate

Hidden Matter and a Universal Substrate

Creation of a Substrate

What is Mass?

Ploughing through the Paving of Space

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Welcome to the 55th issue of the SHAPE Journal entitled The Solar Wind. This edition comprises of a loose collection of related papers marking the start of a nascent research area - how magentic fields extend across vast distances of supposedly ‘empty’ space and affect each other - the Sun affecting the Earth for example.

I’m trying to find research papers which explain what I think might be happening with the charged particles originating in the upper atmosphere of the sun. I assume that although taken as a whole the solar wind would be electrically neutral. However, there are both positive and negatively charged plasmas. I believe that the positive particles may be of varying mass (that is nuclei with different numbers of protons and neutrons). If this is so then I would guess that the proportion of heavier elements decreases with increasing mass.

Obviously higher energy (plasma-based) charged particles would penetrate deeper through the earth’s magnetic field. Moving charged particles will create an associated magnetic field. Such magnetic fields would interfere with the earth’s magnetic field. Therefore, are we looking at a topology problem? That is, it’s the shape of the resulting magnetic field that would describe what is happening at the poles.

Jim Schofield
DEC 2017